Let’s talk about Vision & Communication.
Why is it important? Significant changes make it more critical than ever.
What can we do about it?
Create a clear vision.
- Start with a vision that is comfortable and realistic.
- Paint a picture for your team in vivid technicolor detail.
- Engage your team in developing the vision together.
Answer the questions:
1. What does that vision look like?
2. What sounds are present?
3. What have you achieved and how do you know you have achieved them?
4. How does it feel to have achieved your vision?
Then, put yourself into that future vision and look back towards the present day to identify the major milestones associated with bringing that vision into reality.
Create a Rally Cry around the vision.
Whatever you are doing to communicate – do more. Little and often. Especially in times of crises, communication more than normal.
Make time to listen to your team and be sure to address any concerns in your communication.
Today’s challenge: What are you going to do today to communicate more, and align everyone’s vision?